Why and How to Optimize Your eCommerce Site for Google Voice Search in 2020

The trend of individuals searching the web via voice is increasing with every year. People use Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and a whole host of other search technologies to help them with practically anything. As this technology rises, Digital Marketers have to consider how they can best optimize their websites for Google Voice Search.

The Effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Dropshipping Businesses

We wanted to take a moment and share how we’re seeing COVID-19 affect dropshipping businesses. This isn’t going to be an article about COVID-19 itself, we’re not medical professionals and there is plenty of information about the virus from reputable experts out there.This article is going to share our insights into how this virus is … Read more

First Time Ecommerce Owner: 4 Ways To Gain Traction And Boost Sales

Ways To Gain Traction And Boost Sales

If you’ve ever run an eCommerce website, things may get really confusing fast. Here’s 4 simple ways to get more exposure and boost your sales numbers. By the year 2040, it’s estimated that 95% of all purchases will be through eCommerce, so there’s no better time to become an eCommerce owner and make online sales an integral … Read more

Why Do Businesses Fail? The Top 5 Reasons & How to Avoid Them

Not a day goes by without someone asking me, “How can you personally guarantee that I am going to succeed with this business?” I can’t guarantee that at all. Honestly, you shouldn’t trust anyone who says they can.The truth is, there’s a lot of reasons why you could ‘fail’ at dropshipping. That’s why in this blog post I’m going to cover the five biggest reasons how people fail at dropshipping.

Why Do 90% of Online Businesses Fail in Less Than 120 Days?

Did you know that 90% of businesses fail within the first 120 days? Sounds crazy, right? Well, that common statistic about business failures might not be the case after all. My team and I did some research and decided to create this blog post based on what we found regarding the ‘exact’ percentage of new businesses that fail.
