Why Low-Ticket Dropshipping Is a Dead-End (And What to Do Instead)


In Drop Ship Lifestyle, I always recommend high-ticket dropshipping instead of low-ticket. Low-ticket dropshipping focuses on selling cheap items—it’s not worth your time. For an entrepreneur, it poses many challenges. I’ll expound on that in this blog post. Learn all the reasons you should avoid this and go for high-ticket dropshipping instead. Let’s start!1. It Has … Read more

Why and How to Optimize Your eCommerce Site for Google Voice Search in 2020

The trend of individuals searching the web via voice is increasing with every year. People use Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and a whole host of other search technologies to help them with practically anything. As this technology rises, Digital Marketers have to consider how they can best optimize their websites for Google Voice Search.
