Dropshipping Startup Costs: How Much Money Does It Take to Get Started?

One of the most common questions I get is “How much does it cost to start dropshipping?”

The truth is, it can cost a lot– or almost nothing to start a dropshipping business

And the honest answer is you’re better off with the option that costs almost no money.

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It Doesn’t Cost Much to Start Dropshipping the Right Way

To be honest, dropshipping can cost you a lot of money or it can cost you next to nothing.  Contrary to what people will often say, the right way to get started dropshipping doesn’t cost much. 

The other way to get started dropshipping is working with a third party that asks for money upfront. We call these people “Middlemen”.

Companies that want to charge you to access to sell their products are middlemen. With these companies, you’ll lose a lot of money and you’ll never be successful with this online business. It’s a losing proposition.

Middlemen are the WRONG Way to Dropship

As you start doing research, you’ll come across companies that want to charge you a lot of money just to get started dropshipping. More often than not, these companies are nothing more than middlemen that are charging you for access to resources for building your site and selling their products.

Whenever anyone wants to charge you for things like that, especially when you're a total eCommerce beginner, they're only trying to make money off of you and your lack of experience.

Companies that want to charge you to get started are referred to as middlemen. They will charge you for:

  • Resources to Build Your Website
  • Access to Sell Their Products

Companies that claim they’ll build you a dropshipping website with products ready to dropship without you ever lifting a finger will never make you money.

That's the wrong way to build any business. This way will actually end up costing you a lot of money to get started.

Companies like this are not exactly scams. However, it’s a losing proposition for the person on the retail side. The third-party middleman is the one who is benefiting most from this system.

Now the other way to start dropshipping– the one that will make you profitable– is if you build your own store and get approved with real suppliers.

But how and where should you do that? 

One word: Shopify

Don’t Waste Your Money– Start Dropshipping the Right Way

Now the other way to start dropshipping costs almost nothing. Yes, you read that right.

Not only does this way cost next to nothing to get started, it’s the right way to build a long-term online business.

Let’s break down the startup costs of dropshipping:

Shopify Costs to Start Dropshipping

First off, when building your store this way, you’ll use Shopify.

This is the eCommerce platform we’ve been using (and recommending) for the past several years. It’s the only platform we 100% stand behind.

Shopify costs $29 a month, and that comes with a free 3-day trial + 3 months of access for only $1/month. It’s well worth it.

Try Shopify Free for 3 Days Using This Link. After That, It's Just $1 a Month For 3 Months.

The process to building a good-looking drop shipping store isn’t complicated.

You don’t need to have the best designed, most beautiful Shopify store in the world to make 7-figure sales. All you need is a Shopify dropshipping store that people will visit and see is trustworthy enough to buy from.

For more information about building your Shopify dropshipping store, check out our tutorial.

Dropship Supplier Startup Costs

As for as getting products to sell, remember you’re following the Drop Ship Lifestyle model. There is no upfront costs for sourcing products to sell.

The Suppliers You Want to Work With, Won’t Charge You Until You Send Them Orders!

The type of dropship suppliers you will work with following our model will never charge you for access to their products. That means you're not paying for these items until you sell them.

If you use real suppliers, they won’t charge you until you’re sending them orders. Then they'll charge you for the orders. It’s a win-win for you and your supplier.

To learn more about the do's and don'ts of contacting dropshipping suppliers, read this article. In it, I answer seven common questions for securing relationships with top notch suppliers.

Paid Traffic Costs

As far as some of the other typical costs of starting a dropshipping business, you might be wondering how much it costs to actually start making money? Well, there’s good news for that as well.

The beauty of using the Drop Ship Lifestyle model is you can actually get $100 in credit from Google for running ads. By the time you spend that $100, you should definitely get at least one sale in your store.

Then you take that profit and reinvest, and continue building a successful dropshipping business!

Copy and Paste This Link Into Your Browser to Learn More About Signing Up for a $100 Google Ads Credit. https://ads.google.com/intl/en_us/lp/coupons/

Bottom Line: The Startup Cost for a Shopify Dropshipping Store Can be as Little as $40

Dropshipping on Shopify Startup Costs:
  • Shopify Cost: $29/month (3 day free trial with our link)
  • Supplier and Product Sourcing: $0
  • Domain Name: Depending on service, $11/year
  • Paid Traffic: Start with $100 free credit from Google

To wrap up: With our method, and Shopify, the only costs when getting started dropshipping are hosting your website and buying a domain.

Shopify comes with a 3 day free trial, plenty of time to build a store people will buy from, and it costs $29 a month that. Of course, you need a custom domain. That can be for under $15 paid once a year!

For paid traffic, we recommend using Google Ads first because they offer you $100 in free ad dollars when signing up, which will help you get your first sale.

So many people waste money when they pay for access to a list of products. In reality though, it is so much easier and so much cheaper, if you do things the right way and avoid these middlemen.

Hopefully this explanation shows you where not to go wrong when you're first starting a dropshipping store. For once, the right way to get started is the cheap way.

If you got value from this, please do let me know in the comments below. And if you have any questions, definitely post them as well! I’m always happy to continue the conversation there.

  • Omgoodness, I have had many questions, but with your constant, PROFESSIONAL, helpful emails, I am getting my questions answered. Anton, Thank You Soooo Much for your thorough approach? You are relieving all my fears to pull the trigger! I am thrilled to find out that my startup cost will only be approximately $140.oo bux a month!

  • Neeraj raikwar says:

    I want to start drop shipping

    • Anton Kraly says:

      You’re in the right place!

  • Mangere Marvellous says:

    can i create an account in Zimbabwe

  • Darren Noble says:

    Thanks Anton you save me loads of time and money with your tips

  • MichaelAnthony says:

    I have a shopify web site where I sell private label products and other products that are not private products. Can I use this to do drop shipping? I am interested to know more including attending your seminar online.

  • Dante Vanstory says:

    Great insights and information,thank you.

  • It’s plain and straightforward, thank you.

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Thanks Sony! Always happy to share useful information on high-ticket dropshipping.

  • Godwin Chuks says:

    I am ready to jump in!

  • Very good ideas but it’s seems like I need basics knowledge of computer or can I use my phone for a start.

    • Anton Kraly says:

      While you technically can use a just a phone to build a dropshipping business, I would encourage your to get even a basic computer as it will make the process 100x easier. You don’t need anything fancy. Even a $200 5 year old Thinkpad would be more than enough power for the day to day tasks that it takes to build a profitable online store.

  • Anton Kraly says:

    Hey Everyone,

    As many of you already know I created Drop Ship Lifestyle after selling a network of eCommerce stores and then trying to find a community of other store owners to network with… What I found was a bunch of scammers who promised newbies they would get rich quick by following their push-button systems!

    This led me to create a new community along with an online training program that shares how to build a REAL online business.

    I’d love to hear what you think… it’s a 2.5-hour training designed to help you drop ship profitably… all for free.

    Be sure to click here to check it out and send me your feedback!

    If you go through the “How To Start & Grow A Hyper-Profitable Online Store” webinar and still have questions just contact me and I will help you out

    • Mangere Marvellous says:

      Is it possible to create this account in Zimbabwe

  • tunde adaramaja says:

    my problem is my location nigeria

    • Anton Kraly says:

      I hope you can find a way to make it work! If you look at Shopify payment integrations you can sort by country.

  • Cheryl McClain says:

    Setting up the website seem complicated, and picking items to sale, I just don’t get any of this, I don’t have a lot of money.

  • Preston Hitt says:

    Learning what appears to be the truthful way to start drop shipping

    • Anton Kraly says:

      100%. In my opinion, this is the only way to drop ship profitably for the long-term.

  • Before I start my business do I need to get a business tax Id first. Before doing anything. Also, how much will it cost to join your program. I would like to start soon as possible

  • Michael Allard says:

    I need w mentor I am 55 and on disability but work I can put in 500 a month I want to work with Anton can I join DSLS with a monthly fee!

    • Hi Michael, We don’t offer payment plans directly but you may be able to use PayPal credit. Please reach out to support[at]dropshiplifestyle.com and we can see if it makes sense. Talk soon!

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Awesome! If you decide you want to work together we will be here when you are ready.

  • What kind of things are you people selling?

  • This article was beyond BEYOND helpful!! My God, thank you for this. Literally saved me and people like me from spending thousands on Amazon FBAs and these damn middlemen gouging prices for feeding us free information. Thank you again!

  • Qauthar Hanie says:

    Hello . Iam interested in the business. And I have the 40 dollars to start with. Can you please help out to get started?

  • Mark Griswold says:

    Let’s say i purchase this course. Do I then have other courses or something from you besides this? I have used another program, and learned some good things, but then there were other options extra. I just want to know what I need to budget in order to be successful

  • Please let me know what the best price you could offer because I already spent for one dropshipping class and afraid of spending for another. I rather want to pay once I see profit, this time around.

  • Hello,
    I had already gone through the training,will be willing to pay $29 per month and also for the domain.
    Im really interesting in this,but is unable to begin by myself.
    Let me know how much help you offer to get me started.
    Thanks in advance

  • Shikongo Ester says:

    iam interested to watch this training

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Good decision :). There is a link to join in the sidebar of this page.

    • Anton Kraly says:

      You’re welcome! Always happy to share 🙂

  • This is the best knowledge I’ve ever read! I’m all in!

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Let’s go! Looking forward to working together, Janetia!

  • hi, I got preety confusing, how to get the money after sell the product from Shopify? I mean, is it directly deposit our bank
    account or should we need to open new account for Shopify?

    • It is deposited into your checking account :). You link your bank details when creating your Shopify Payments account.

    • Mintu khan says:

      I want to join your group. Can you help me?

      • Hi Mintu,

        I’m assuming you’re referring to our private community.

        If you’re a member of Drop Ship Lifestyle, you can find the link to join in our member’s area.

        If you’re not a member yet, you can enroll here.

  • Thanks for the info. My concern around all of this is the ongoing monthly costs that you would incur even before you have a potential sale. Also obtaining products in a timely manor. Most people are experienced with online ordering and having products within a short time frame. I don’t see how this can be achieved if you use suppliers overseas.

  • Thanks for your good website and information!

  • Hi. I’m at the very beginning of this enterprise. The one thing I cant seem to get my mind around is the actual purchasing process. When a customer orders something from my store and I then place the order with my supplier. Do I have to spend my own money to buy from the supplier or is the customer money paying for the order and I then make my money once the order has been been completed.

    • Hi Ashely,

      You can either use your own money/credit card or wait 48 hours for Shopify to deposit the funds into your account.

      • Hey man I’m a young black Male trying to find his way with a burning hustle and there is something’s I just dont understand with dropshipping so to my knowledge you have too still put up nice amount of money to start dropshipping with shopify. AND CAN you tell me what you absolutely need this money for.

  • When a customer needs to return a damaged product, does the customer pays for the shipping?

    • Great question, Liz!

      The answer is that it depends on your Shipping & Returns Policy. In Drop Ship Lifestyle, I share our templates for you to use on your store but as a general rule of thumb, the customer pays for return shipping (and sometimes a restocking fee) if they change their mind about the purchase. However, if the items arrived damaged then we will cover the return shipping fee + replacement. Sidenote: this is why insuring shipments is important 😉

  • Hi Anton,
    Thank you for the very clear, informative and inspiring presentations you provide us free of charge. It indeed motivates us to sign up.
    When a shipped product is damaged when received by a customer, will the supplier pick up the tab for the second shipping cost?

    • Great question, Liz!

      The answer is that it depends on your Shipping & Returns Policy. In Drop Ship Lifestyle, I share our templates for you to use on your store but as a general rule of thumb, the customer pays for return shipping (and sometimes a restocking fee) if they change their mind about the purchase. However, if the items arrived damaged then we will cover the return shipping fee + replacement. Sidenote: this is why insuring shipments is important 😉

  • Are the Shopify drop ship partners pre qualified? How do I know that when a customer buys an item from my store that the supplier will send the item once I purchase it in a timely manner and get to the customer quickly and how do I know it looks exactly like the image and fits etc Are the suppliers through the shopify store proven quality?

    • Great question, Juliette!

      You will need to vet all of your suppliers prior to reaching out to them to get approved.

      I give you a list of suppliers, and show you how to confirm they are legit, inside of my Award Winning Drop Ship Blueprint.

      You can learn more here: Free Training From Drop Ship Lifestyle

      Hope that helps!

  • Very informative article.
    I am a WordPress Developer so I want to develop my site by woocommerce. Even I have a web hosting, just need to buy a domain. So If I do this, is it the right decision for me? If not, why it’s a wrong decision?

    • I prefer Shopify over WooCommerce since their sole focus is eCommerce. They are leading the way with technology and they also have the best support.

  • Hi Anton, Great article. my question is regarding suppliers. Obviously as a new eCommerce business, my concern is how these established suppliers will work with me? Can you share what are some of the criteria needed/required from them?

    • Hi Ivan,

      It’s really all about how you position your business. This is covered in detail in Module 4 of my Drop Ship Blueprint.

      If you don’t already have access, you can enroll here:

      Get Drop Ship Lifestyle.

      Hope that helps!

      • Hey Anton,
        whats the cost pm to have a store , also do you charge a commision on each product shipped by the dropshipping process?

        • Hey Roz,

          Can you clarify what you mean by “cost pm”?

          And no, we do not charge any commissions to students of Drop Ship Lifestyle 🙂

  • Monica Calvin says:

    It’s not clear on monthly charges. $24 and $100 every month?

    • Hi Monica,

      Shopify is $29/month.

      Regarding traffic, I recommend starting with free $100 Google Credit, getting profitable, and then reinvesting profits into more ads.

      I’ll be covering this in my next webinar here: Free Training From Drop Ship Lifestyle

      Hope that helps!

  • Hey Anton! I just wanna know if I use Google Ads specifically then I will get targeted sales, but after installing all the necessary apps etc. how much will be required to invest in order to get $1000 in profit? What’s that investing amount for a general store to get 1k profit? Any idea? So that I can start myself by watching and reading your free courses and then I can pay for your paid classes so that I can live a professional dropship lifestyle. #Q- What’s the minimum amount required to get 1k profits?

    • Hi Shah,

      In my Drop Ship Blueprint, I recommend getting started with free apps.

      And while I’m not allowed to make any income claims, I can say that we always strive to get a 10x ROAS (Return On Ad Spend).

      That means I would be willing to spend $100 to get $1,000 in sales. It is also our goal to maintain a 25%+ profit margin.

      With that being said, it’s not always about paid ads. I also teach how to get free traffic inside of my Drop Ship Blueprint 🙂

      Hope that helps!

    • Good afternoon, Thanks for the information . I will view it when I have time 😁@shah & #AntonKraly

  • Balázs Vígh says:

    Dear Anton! It’s very good sounds that the Shopify startup costs are low but if you selling your course than all of this are expensive! This amount is in Hungary 2 months average salary. Please, note this also!

  • Gerry Kinsey says:

    Excellent ideas, I’ve been watching for years, I think now I’ll jump in

  • Thanks so much for the info! However, the biggest cost newbies can expect to pay is for your DSL course, which is not mentioned. I think it is definitely worth the cost, but wonder why you don’t mention it unless you’re just providing a general answer, not one specifically aimed towards potential DSL clients.

  • Ghazanfar says:

    It’s useful but details like actually doing what is needed, for a beginner like me is also needed. Every step even the smallest needs to be taken correctly so need guidance all the way. What about registering with tax authorities, registering the company is needed or not etc etc.

  • Greg Carr says:

    Thanks so much Anton for all the work you put into informing everyone. This is great information, and I’m hoping to enroll soon.

  • Does Shopify have its own ‘audience’? I mean like a ‘virtual Mall’.

    • Great question, Bren! We simply use Shopify to host our own stores. Our customers do not know we use Shopify, and we are responsible for sending traffic. If you’re brand new to this I’d highly recommend starting with my free training webinar. Here’s the link: Free Training From Drop Ship Lifestyle

  • Anton, I’ve been watching a lot of your videos and webinars, trying to get as much information as possible before enrolling in your course and starting my own drop shipping store. I’m mostly hung up on what licenses and permits are required. I know this can vary widely depending on location. I’m in Houston Texas myself. Is there any information on this topic in your course or do you have any suggestions on the best place to get that kind of information?

    • Hi Kevin,

      I discuss this in the welcome module of the Drop Ship Blueprint.

      You have a few different options when first getting started… they’re not difficult to get set up but it’s hard to explain in this comment. If you’re serious about getting started definitely join Drop Ship Lifestyle and watch my videos that cover the process from A-Z!


  • Short, but at lot of information I like it!!!

  • How much do you invest per month to get your store flying in adwords? For about 2-3 months. YOu can`t put 100$ to test on just 1 product and the sale well there probably not gonna be enough sales to make you another 100

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Hi Bogdan,
      Testing and optimizing your Google PLAs is an ongoing process that will take place at least every 2 weeks while you run your online store.
      With that being said, $100 is a good amount to start with and you should be able to earn a sale by the time that is spent.
      Also just an FYI – Google will give you a $100 credit to get started with 🙂
      Hope that helps!

      • Would you need to spend money before you’re qualified to use the $100 or will it just be given to you when you sign up?

        • Hi Alexix,

          The $100 is a credit to your account. So when you spend $100 (or up to $100) it gets deducted from your free credit rather than billing you 🙂

      • Leroy Clemons says:

        Hi what are other ways to find suppliers to start making money and then scale up to afford your course?

  • Hey. I was wondering if it is better to price your products above or below what other stores are selling. Thanks

    • Anton Kraly says:

      Hi Julia,

      It’s always best to price your products at MAP (Minimum Advertised Price).

      Thank you!

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